Saturday, October 9, 2010

Intercourse Conceiving – Timing Sexual Intercourse to Conceive a Boy

Friday, January 1, 2010, 10:36
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Intercourse Conceiving

When initiating out on your journey to become parents, many couples have a preference more than which gender they have. Timing sexual intercourse to conceive a boy or a girl is essentially important, due to the fact that in this case, it can make all the difference in the world. That is because male (y chromosomes) and female (x chromosomes) and actually different, and suffer different livlihood spans.Intercourse Conceiving

If you are attempting to get pregnant amongst a boy, here are some conditions you need to know. Male Sperm are Weak!!! That is right. Male sperm are weaker then female sperm. They swim much faster, but cannot live nearly as long, and cannot survive in harsh environments, such as an acidic one.

The very first thing you should do is to first, begin changing your diet, so that you are increasing in consumption the foods which make your body more alkaline, and decrease eating the foods which make your body more acidic. Female sperm can handle an acidic environment, but the males cannot. So ditch the cookies and the milk and pick up a jar of pickles, or eat some fresh vegetables. Intercourse Conceiving

Once your diet has been adjusted, then you need to start worrying about timing sexual intercourse to conceive a boy. Timing is important because again male sperm do not live very long. So having sex several days before ovulation occurs is not a good idea. This is mainly because by the time the egg is released from your ovary, there will be a healthy supply of female sperm still alive and waiting…but the males would most likely have died by this point.

So avoid sex for 5-6 days before ovulation, so that there are no sperm present. In order to be sure of when you ovulate, try using ovulation tests, or charting. When you are sure you are ovulating, then plan to have sex within a 24 hour window of that time. Intercourse Conceiving

So for example if you take an ovulation test at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, and it is positive, then plan on having intercourse sometime between 1:00 on Wednesday and 1:00 on Thursday (probably better to do it as soon as possible to getting the positive, just to be sure you don’t miss your chance). Start raising a family! Get Pregnant Today by getting Intercourse Conceiving ebook now!

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